First Check 27.03.15
This entailed the examination of my teeth and gums and photos documenting progress.
I discussed with Zoe my concerns over gaps appearing which had previously not been there, especially between the right front tooth and incisor. I was reassured that this was normal and eventually the gaps will close.
After examining my teeth Zoe again needed to file three teeth before replacing and tightening the wire on the top set of teeth to keep the movement going. She then added and attached a ‘power chain’ (this is an elasticated band which hooks over the brackets), to the right side of the upper teeth to help pull them back, creating space for the canine tooth to move back. The wire did not need to be replaced on the lower set of teeth only a power chain to be attached along the whole row. Zoe took the time to explain all of the procedures which made me feel comfortable and confident.
There is a mild discomfort during this procedure as the wire and elastic is pulled tight over the brackets and my teeth did ache for about an hour afterwards. (Teeth by the way, very clean, my regime seems to be working!) At the start I felt apprehensive when brushing thinking I was going to cause the brackets to break off, but they, so far, have withstood the strong and healthy brushing.
With regards to the progress, there is already a noticeable difference after only one month of having the braces fitted especially in the alignment of the top two front teeth.
So far everything is going smoothly and I now feel totally confident with my brushing regime and the inclusion of a variety of foods at mealtimes.
Fay Marsh