I had my Invisalign fitted 8 weeks ago and attended Diana Dental today for my first review.
I’ve been really pleased with how the treatment is going so far. Friends and family haven’t noticed I have the aligners in unless I have told them and my daughter, who lives away has come to visit and has noticed the change in my smile already. I originally had the treatment done here after my other daughter completed her Invisalign with Zoe and the team and was so pleased with her care and result.
Taking the aligners in and out to eat has taken a little getting used to and also cleaning after I have eaten something but I now do it without really thinking about it.
The first couple of times I put in a new aligner it does feel tight, not uncomfortable as such but I’m aware that my teeth feel ‘under pressure’ but after a couple of days this surpasses and I find this encouraging as I can feel that my teeth have moved. I can also tell, whilst eating that my teeth have moved.